We were so sorry to hear about the passing of Michael Cormican. He was a dedicated champion for our public health care system, including in his role as the long-standing Chair of Friends of Medicare's Lethbridge Chapter.
The following memory was shared by FOM's current Lethbridge Chapter Chair, Bev Muendel-Atherstone:
"Michael Cormican, former Chair of The Lethbridge Chapter of Friends of Medicare, passed away recently. He was a long time champion of Canada’s public health care system. He worked tirelessly to keep the privatization wolves from Alberta’s doors.
"As Vice Chair, I worked many press events with Michael. Once we staged a demonstration outside the conservative MLA’s office. Michael played a sick patient lying on a lawn chair not getting proper care. Over his bed was the poster “connect the dots” indicating that Ralph Klein was unable to see the obvious. The press “ate it up” and Michael was on both TV and print news. We had a lot of fun advocating for the maintenance of our public free health care system."
Our deepest condolences to Michael's family, and to all those who had the privilege to work alongside him throughout his lifetime of advocacy and community work. He will be missed!
Michael's obituary can be found in
today's Lethbridge Herald.