Friends of Medicare responds to Prentice's televised address

In yesterday's televised message from Premier Prentice, he announced that his government will be introducing a 'Health Care Levy.' The Free Dictionary defines a levy as 'a tax, fine or other punishment on (a person or business).'


"Albertans do not need to be taxed, fined, or punished for the years of PC mismanagement of our health care system," says Sandra Azocar, Executive Director of Friends of Medicare.

The only detail provided in the announcement was that this levy would "start small but would increase over the next three years."

"Albertans already pay for health care through our taxes," adds Azocar. "Albertans want to see real solutions both in our revenue structure and in our health care system. A health care tax is not the way to solve our revenue problems, and it certainly does not fix any of the problems in our health care system." 
