Stanley Milner Library 7 Sir Winston Churchill SquareTogether, we can reimagine Alberta’s economy and build a better future for workers in our province.
Life is getting more expensive. Workers across the province have been let down by soaring inflation, stagnant wages, and persistent job insecurity. We pay our taxes, but we can no longer count on crucial services like health care to be there when we need them.
There is a better way. Alberta needs a plan that will bring stability and new opportunities to our province. We need to ensure that Albertans have the tools to build a better future.
Better Way Alberta has recommendations for Alberta’s government to make life more affordable and bring opportunities for success. Workers built Alberta, and we can build it again. But we need to work together.
Join us and be part of the conversation.
Friday, October 28 from 7 – 8:30pm
Stanley Milner Library
7 Sir Winston Churchill Square
More at BetterWayAlberta.ca