Rebuild Our Healthcare
Alberta's Healthcare System is Being Dismantled. In the past year, 72% of Albertans reported a decline in healthcare quality. We need to send a message loud and clear to our leaders: it’s time to rebuild Alberta’s public healthcare system.
Take Action for Dental Care
We need our governments to support a universal, public drug plan for ALL Canadians. 9 in 10 Albertans support national #pharmacare — let's make sure our govt hears this loud & clear. Add your voice!
Take Action for Pharmacare
With the historic passing of Bill C-64: An Act Respecting Pharmacare, we're closer than ever to finally ensuring people in Canada will no longer have to suffer because they can't afford their prescriptions. Now, we need Alberta to get on board and get this foundational public drug plan underway. Tell the Health Minister & your MLA: We need Pharmacare!
Say NO to Access Fees!
Add your voice: Say no to health care access fees in Alberta in Alberta! #ABhealth #ABleg
Send an email to call for urgent action on the drug poisoning crisis!
We need our governments to support evidence-based, life-saving care for all Albertans! Let's make sure our govt hears this loud & clear. Add your voice!
Take Action for Medicine Hat!
Take Action for Medicine Hat—Send a letter! #MedHat #ABhealth #ABpoli #ABleg #HandsOffOurHealthCare